

UI/UX Design
Mobile App
AI Start-up
Project Overview
InfiniTrips represents the future of travel, where AI becomes an invaluable tool, transforming how we explore the world and turning every adventure into a hassle-free delight. This mobile app empowers users with a seamless journey, from initial planning and booking to real-time assistance throughout their entire trip.


Founder Product Designer

Project Type
Startup project

Team Structure
Claire Li, CEO
Sam Xu, CTO
Front-end Engineers
Back-end Engineers

Project Stage
First MVP Launched

Figma, Protopie, Google Material Design System

Why are we creating this tool?

On average, people spend 20–30 hours on pre-travel planning, this burden could be reduced significantly.

01 The Travel Planning Struggle

Ever see a stunning travel photo on Instagram, like it, and then...never actually plan the trip? You're not alone. Later, when vacation fever hits, the struggle begins. Scouring Reddit for tips, searching TripAdvisor for reviews, and piecing it all together on Notion.

Ugh, the endless jumping between platforms!

You hear ChatGPT can help, so you excitedly ask it to "plan a 6-day Grand Circle roadtrip!" But wait... ChatGPT doesn't know your starting pointor preferred activities. Back to Notion you go. 20-25 hours later, your (exhausted) masterpiece is complete.

——— Current travel planning is inefficient, this is where our app comes in.

02 Business opportunity

Thriving travel market (domestic & near-recovered international) fueled by high-spending younger demographics (Millennials & Gen Z) creates a prime opportunity for AI travel planning apps.

Based on those findings, we came up with 3 HMW questions

What is the solution?

We are addressing both the validation and personalization layers by user inputs, observed user behaviros and live updates. 

After first round of meetings with CEO and CTO, our overall user flow and technical solutions is as below. We would utalize user input data and their live updates through our LLM and analysis methods to ensure a powerful AI platform that can create a creator community and deeply personalized functions as well as real time recommendations and AI itinerary integration.

How do others perfom in the market?

We analyzed traditional travel planning app & AI trip planners.

Traditional Travel Planning Apps

Traditional apps can be limited and have low user engagement. Our AI is there for you every step of the way, not just planning. It even provides engaging content in-between trips, keeping users interested. This makes our app more versatile and user-friendly.

AI travel planning tools

any AI travel planners offer similar recommendations for everyone. We personalize your experience by learning from your preferences and habits. This allows us to create a unique travel plan just for you.

ChatGPT & Gemini Prompt tests

I explored various prompts to assess feasibility via both ChatGPT and Gemini, collaborating with our ML co-founder.


So what set us apart from traditional app and AI planner is our engaging and personalized experience.

What are our initial goals?

We would like to create an app that user can import contents from other apps, and they can also explore more contents here and create their own itineraries.

01 Initial thoughts and user flow

At first, the company only think of a very basic thought of travel planning tool which has very low frequencey of usage, users import contents and generate a plan, done.

02 Mid-fi user flow

After our previous research, we decided to expand the scope of this app to not only travel planning but also exploring for inspirations and tracking travel progress as well as capturing the memories.

What do users say about our ideas?

We conducted 6 user testings with our mid-fi prototype and analyzed the results to lead our next steps.

6 in depth user interviews helped us make decisions of a comprehensive user flow

These interviews refuted our initial thoughts such as we brainstormed that users may want to view friends' itineraries and discuss travel plans with them, and users may want to import contents from the inside portal as a button put on the homepage. It also guide us the layout of a page contains generated plans.

How might we design an intuitive way for users to import inspiring content from other social media?

There are several potential ways we can choose for importing contents, but what are the most practical ones?

Import methods Hypothesis

At first we came up with these 4 ways to import contents after first discussion with engineers

1. Input link
2. input manually
3. import screnshots/original images
4. import video

Import Page Final Design

After another round of discussion with engineers about feasibility and given user feedbacks, we refined the portal to let users import links or text or upload images into the app.

Final Prototype

After 3 rounds of iteration, this is what our final product looks like.
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